Saturday, June 25, 2011

Here are a few photos that I took of our children this morning.  I'm quite happy with them, especially because I don't have a very good eye for photography!!  So to all those who are good at it, please don't be too critical, remember I'm just an amateur!!
 I actually took alot, also some in sepia.  I don't know if I'll get time to blog them all now.  Also I have a lot of other photos that I got to get up on my blog!  Aaahh, if only I had spare time...!!!  Anyway here are some for now!  As you can see by all the green grass, it is Winter here!

1 comment:

Ado and Candy said...

You did a GREAT job Dee!! I was looking through them thinking "I wonder who took the photos for them?"
Well done!!!
Where did you go?? Is it in your backyard?? Looking nice and green :)
Can't believe how big Katelyn is too - she is growing so fast!!

Miss them all xxx