Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's doing it again!!!!  First photos were appearing, and now they're all gone!!!!  Maybe my photos are not good enough or the people on them not good looking enough for blogger anymore :( :(.  If some one out there knows what's going on, I'd appreciate your help!! So, sorry, still no photos!!!


Ado and Candy said...

Hey Dee,
Just a thought - Maybe upload the photos through your blog instead of using Picasa??
Love Candy x

Ranelle said...

Hi Deanne,
I was having the same problem when I was uploading them through Picasa. If you upload them straight through, they seem to work. Not sure why Picasa isn't working.
Hope it helps.
Love Ranelle

jdb said...

Thankyou Candy & Ranelle for your replies! Much appreciated!! I will try to do that from now on, instead of using picasa :).
Hope you are all well there in the USA!! Take care,
Love, Dee