Friday, January 08, 2010

Here are a few photos of Kayla in hospital. This was the second 2 weeks that she was in hospital. She went in on the Friday 13th of November and came home 2 weeks later on the Friday afternoon, but Jan took her staight back to the hospital on the Saturday morning because she woke up with burning fever and a very sore neck. It was quite a scary time, not knowing what exactly was going on, if it was menigitis or anything related to her implant. We were warned that the doctor's might have had to remove the implant. But all thanks and praise to GOD, after 2 more weeks in hospital (just over 4 all up) Kayla was better again and did not have to have the implant removed! God answered the many prayers that went up, and also gave Kayla the courage to endure what she had to, in the hospital, and also us as parents and family the strength to carry on through this time. We are very thatnkful to ALL who in some way or another helped out, or prayed and sent a card etc.

If you double click on the photo, you can see more clearly the cut the doctors had to make to get to the implant infection. They had cleaned it out and put some muscle over it and neatly sewed it up again.

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